Causes of Weak Power in Men

a man is upset with low power

What determines male potency:

  • First, your temperament: you can't escape your genetic predisposition, no matter how hard you try. If you are sexually "calm" by nature, without the use of potency stimulants of various kinds, you will not be able to radically change the pace of your sex life.
  • second, self-confidence, as well as the life experiences that support that confidence, are of great importance to male sexual strength. Fortunately, anyone is able to work their character to change for the better, it's all up to you.
  • thirdly, the normal functioning of the entire organism, that is, the harmonious functioning of the heart, nervous system, the various vessels, and the endocrine glands, provides the necessary basis for normal potency. After all, if something hurts you, a rash or an untrained heart can't handle the stress, you won't have time for sex!
  • fourth, some psychological reasons can have a depressing effect on its potency. A bad first sexual experience that hurts your pride, or low self-esteem due to failure in life, not infrequently leads men to impotence. Sometimes the psychological reasons are so deep that you can't figure it out without talking to a psychotherapist.
  • fifth, male potency depends directly on the female. Have you, of course, noticed that women influence you in different ways sexually? One causes an acute sexual desire and the other is nothing but boredom. Also, your sexual tastes can be very different from other men's tastes. For each your own, as they say.

Common Causes of Power Problems

Not long ago, doctors believed that the cause of underpotency in men in 80% of cases is psychological problems, eg stress (sometimes chronic). The fact is that medical science at the time was unaware of factors that affected potency, such as hormonal problems, vascular diseases and so on, so it was all attributed to fatigue and stress. Patients were instructed to rest more and stop being nervous, go on vacation for a change of scenery or a sedative. As you can imagine, this treatment has not always helped.

With the development of science, everything changed and now the psychological causes of impotence account for only one tenth of the cases of erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, the help of psychotherapy should not be underestimated, and its use often helps patients to "get up" more quickly during treatment.

Diseases most harmful to potency

Cardiovascular disease is the absolute leader here. And this is not surprising if you remember that the erection process is directly related and depends on the normal functioning of the circulatory system and vascular health. So if your heart isn't working well or your blood vessels are clogged, we can't talk about an erection!

Second on the list are hormonal disorders, including diabetes. Studies have shown that a small decrease in blood sugar levels leads to a significant increase in erection strength and, consequently, in the quality of sexual life.

The third disease, which is often the cause of low potency in men, is obesity. The quality of life of the modern person is growing, we eat delicious and a lot, but we move a little. As a result, we put on weight, the load on the heart increases and the blood vessels fill with fat, potency drops, and now the sausage in the dough is more interesting to us than the curvy beauty of the office next door. At this point you decide for yourself what's most interesting to you: fitness, stretchy muscles and self-confidence with all the life bonuses that go with it, or fragrant bacon and beer belly (more).

Finally, we can mention hypertension, as well as some medications that lower blood pressure.

Career-related reasons for low potency in men

Our successes or failures at work somehow affect potency. It seems like everything is obvious: the better things are at work, the more fun the sex life is! In fact, not everything is so simple. The voltage and excitation that accompanies the work process, of course, negatively affect power. And the more problems our work brings us, the less sex the bed brings us.

An interesting fact: people who do not have very smart professions, for example, janitors and plumbers, have an above-average potency. And one more fact: the bigger the city, the lesser the sexual power of the city's inhabitants.

These facts are explained quite simply: omnipresent progress is the culprit. As a result of the rapid development of civilization, the amount of information processed by one person each day is also growing rapidly, including a large number of social contacts every day. At the end of the workday, the modern person is so exhausted from communicating with others that he comes home so emotionally and physically exhausted that he has no more strength for sexual exploration.

Why is the power problem so urgent

Science says the average man thinks about sex every three minutes. And imagine: he thinks about the woman every three minutes during the day, and when he has the opportunity to fulfill his dream, erectile dysfunction inflicts a "stab in the back. "He wants to have sex for an hour and, "thanks" to premature ejaculation, intercourse lasts a minute and a half. How not to despair with so many surprises. . . And, after all, symptoms only get worse with age!

The structure of modern society constantly keeps a person in suspense, forcing him to be always agitated and agitated. Is it possible now to imagine a person without a cell phone? Now, people tend to work, even while resting, no matter how paradoxical it may seem. Think about it: once, going out into the street, we just walked, went wherever we wanted, the boss couldn't immerse us in work directly in the cafe by ringing the bell. We become easily accessible socially, but we lose the freedom of solitude and the peace of mind that goes with it. We have to do something constantly to earn money, spin like a squirrel on a wheel, and the end of this race is not in sight.

How does family life affect a man's potency

Married men maintain their sexual potency for about 10 years longer than single men. Regular quality sex significantly prolongs a man's "sexual age".

It's true that cell phones inhibit power

So far, studies have only shown that high-frequency radiation from cell phones reduces the number of sperm in the semen. This applies to men who carry a cell phone on their belt or pants pocket. No cases of any serious influence of phones on power have yet been observed. However, nobody bothers you to be reinsured.

How alcohol affects a person's sexual performance

A small amount of alcohol, even if consumed every day, as is common in some countries, is more beneficial than harmful. However, there are some guidelines for alcohol regarding its effect on male potency.

Beer contains substances that can be addictive over time. Beer also contains nutrients that increase appetite. The beer belly is usually the result of the chips, nuts, fish, and crackers you eat with your beer. As we already know, obesity is one of the reasons that guarantee the reduction of desire and sexual capacity. The best alcoholic drink before sex is half a glass of champagne or some dry wine.

what food increases potency

Once upon a time, healers advised to strengthen masculine forces to eat any food that looked like a penis and/or had a red color: carrots, meat, bananas, asparagus. Modern doctors say the opposite: they advise low-calorie foods containing a lot of vitamins and minerals - seafood, vegetables, fruits and so on. A light fruit and vegetable salad is served before intercourse, but you should not fill your stomach with meat.